


========== 11/9 福斯新聞主播訪問前紐約市長-朱利安尼==========
今晚你對亞利桑那州對內華達州作何判斷 your judgment on Nevada on Arizona tonight
你先說,我們再談喬治亞州 and then I want to go to turn to Georgia after you decide
我告訴你有一組州 I can tell you as a group
總共有一二三四五…六個州 that a group, there are one two three four five six states
發生了完全相同的情形 in which the same exact pattern took place
這非常不尋常 that is so unusual
也不可能巧合 that it cannot be coincidental
以至於選舉上午 on the morning of the election
在郵寄選票開始計票的時候 when the mail-in ballots were being looked at and counted
共和黨監票員不允許靠近 the republican inspectors were not allowed to get near the ballots
他們被擋在20或30英尺的圍欄外 they were put in corrals 20 or 30 feet away
在計票開始時 and while the counting went on
監票員看不到什麼 they could see nothing
只能看到白色信封來回傳遞 but white envelopes being passed back and forth
換句話說 in other words
他們不能看到信封上的文字來核實選票 they couldn't see the writing on the envelope that would verify the ballot
然後信封就被扔掉了 then the envelope was thrown away
這點是違反法律的 at that point the law is violated
因為法律要求雙方都必須觀察(計票過程) because the law requires that there be observation by both sides
這是我們保護這些郵寄選票 that's the only way
免於造假的唯一方法 we can protect these mail ballots from fraud
當郵寄選票被分開時 that minute they're separated it
它們就變成了秘密選票 becomes a secret ballot
我們永遠無法不知道 and we never know exactly what was connected to it with those envelopes
這些信封(和舞弊)有什麼確切的聯繫 and we never know exactly what was connected to it with those envelopes
所以這種模式不可能是偶然的 so this pattern couldn't possibly be an accident
(它可能是意外) it can be an accident
盧,想想看,這意味著在選舉日 think about it Lou, it means on election day
負責費城選票的民主黨騙子 the chief democratic crook in Philly
一早和有相同計畫的各地同伙醒來 wakes up and has the same idea
在匹茲堡的 as the one in Pittsburgh
在底特律的 the one in Detroit
在密爾沃基的 the one in Milwaukee
在內華達州的 same idea as the one in Nevada
(還有喬治亞州) and Georgia
里諾、亞利桑那州鳳凰城的這群騙子 Reno in Phoenix Arizona
和喬治亞州 and  Georgia
這些人都在做同樣的事情 they all do the same thing
他們都將共和黨人阻擋在圍欄外 they all put the republicans in corrals
至少他們一定是事先找人做圍欄吧? I mean somebody they must have at least subcontracted for the corrals
所以我們得去調查 so we're going to take discovery
我認為這些地區都有同樣的計劃 I think this was a common plan
我認為這些地區都有同樣的計劃 in any event
所以賓州的計票 I mean the vote in Pennsylvania
必須要更新,剔除這些非法選票 has to be altered, to throw out these illegal ballots
這樣選舉結果才會正當 so that that's going to overturn
川普本來是領先的 I mean he was ahead but
有趣的是,我們發現有68.2萬張非法選票 in fact, the funny thing is, we have 682 illegal ballots
記得嗎?川普在選舉之夜以74萬選票領先 remember on election night he was ahead by 740 000 votes
沒錯 right
聽起來就像 sounds like
他們本來就計劃去弄掉這70萬票的差距 this is exactly the plan they had to overcome the 700,000 votes
所以會有這麼多的指控和懷疑 well, that's the allegation and the suspicion of so many
包含對計票機 also the voting machines
有人提到的不規則和異常情況 then the irregularities the anomalies as someone want to call it
有人說,在許多情況下 but again they share in many cases
他們都使用同一家電子投票公司 the same electronic voting companies
所提供的相同軟體和計票機 providing the software and the machines
而且存在相同的異常情況 and the same irregularities
當我們…節目結束前 it's… what is your judgment on that
您對此有何判斷? as we close out here
我的判斷是 my judgment is that
大約4周前,希拉里·克林頓對拜登說 when Hillary Clinton said to Biden about four weeks ago
無論如何不要認輸 don't concede no matter what
她的意思是,喬,就算你在賓州落後80萬票 she meant even if you're behind by 800 000 votes in Pennsylvania, Joe
也不用擔心 don't worry
我們會幫你解決 we'll fix it for you
拜託,要補足這80萬票 I mean that's an extraordinary number
可不是什麼小數字 to make up, bro
我從來沒有見過80萬票差距能被追上 I never saw that 800,000 vote margin made up
當想到他們連一張選票都不讓我們看時 and when just consider the fact they wouldn't let us look at a single ballot
如果這些選票是合法的 so now why if these ballots are legitimate
為什麼不能看? would you not let us look at it
來解決這個問題 and remove this issue
如果這事無所謂 why do you want to give us this issue all over the country
那麼為什麼要在全國各地 if it's not critical I mean
搞出這麼多問題 and these are all the states
這些都是我提及的州 the states I'm mentioning these are all the states
喬拜登原先都是落後的 in which he had to catch up, right?
可能除了亞利桑那州之外 except maybe for Arizona
他在賓州落後 he was behind in Pennsylvania
他在威斯康星州落後更多 he was behind in Wisconsin by a lot
他在密歇根州落後5% he was behind in Michigan by five points
也在喬治亞洲落後 he was behind in Georgia

======== 11/9 參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈爾 支持川普總統講話 ==========
根據選舉初步結果 according to preliminary results
新選出和連任的共和黨參議員人數之多 voters across the nation elected and re-elected republican senators to a degree
實際上使民調機構大為震驚 that actually stunned prognosticators
同樣,美國人民似乎通過 likewise the American people seem to have reacted to
縮減眾議院民主黨人 likewise the American people seem to have reacted to
縮減眾議院民主黨人 house democrats radicalism and obstruction
並選舉更多的共和黨人 house democrats radicalism and obstruction
來對眾議院民主黨的激進主義 by shrinking the speaker's majority
和阻礙作出反應 and electing more republicans
然後是總統競選 and then there's the presidential race
顯然,尚無一州證實其選舉結果 obviously, no states have yet certified their election results
至少有一個或兩個州 we have at least one or two states
已經在進行重新計票 that are already on track for a recount
而我相信 and I believe
(川普)總統可能至少已經在五個州 the president may have legal challenges underway
進行法律程序 in at least five states
這裡的核心原則並不複雜 the core principle here is not complicated
在美國 in the united states of America
所有合法選票必須進行計票 all legal ballots must be counted
任何非法選票不得計入結果 any illegal ballots must not be counted
該過程應透明 the process should be transparent
各方均可審察 or observable by all sides
法院在這裡解決相關問題 and the courts are here to work through concerns
我們的相關機構就是為此建立 our institutions are actually built for this
我們擁有處理這些問題的系統 we have the system in place to consider concerns
川普總統有100%的權利 and president Trump is 100% within his rights
去調查任何指控選舉違規事項 to look into allegations of irregularities
並權衡使用法律途徑 and weigh his legal options
如果這次發生的任何違規事件 if any major irregularities occurred this time
會嚴重影響大選結果 of a magnitude that would affect the outcome
那麼每個美國人都應希望將其曝光 then every single American should want them to be brought to light
如果民主黨人有信心自己沒有違規 and if the democrats feel confident they have not occurred
他們應當沒有理由 擔心任何額外審查 they should have no reason to fear any extra scrutiny
我們擁有解決任何疑慮 所需的制度和機構 we have the tools and institutions we need to address any concerns
總統有權根據法律去調查各項(違規)指控 the president has every right to look into allegations
並要求重新計票 and to request recounts under the law
尤其是在這一過程中 and notably the constitution
憲法並未賦予財團、媒體、公司任何權利 gives no role in this process to wealthy, media, corporations
因此新聞界的預測和評論 the projections and commentary of the press
不能否決任何公民的合法權利 do not get veto power over the legal rights
不能否決任何公民的合法權利 of any citizen including the president of the united states
包括美國總統 of any citizen including the president of the united states

========= 11/10 國務卿 蓬佩奧 新聞發布會 ==========
國務院是否正在準備與拜登過渡小組合作? is the state department currently preparing
國務院是否正在準備與拜登過渡小組合作? to engage with the Biden transition team
如果沒有 and if not
延誤是否會阻礙平穩過渡 at what point does a delay hamper a smooth transition
或對國家安全構成威脅? or pose a risk to national security?
我們將會順利過渡到第二任川普政府 there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration
是的,我們已經做好準備 right, we're ready
全世界都在看我們 the world is watching what's taking place
我們正在計算選票 we're going to count all the votes
當程序完成時 when the process is complete
將會出現勝者 there'll be electors selected
這是憲法明確規定的流程 there's a process the constitution lays it out pretty clearly
世界應該對此必要的過渡流程 the world should have every confidence
充滿信心 that the transition necessary
它確保今天的國務院能正常且成功運作 to make sure that the state department is functional today, successful today
新任總統將順利於1月20日午後 and successful with the president
就任總統的工作 who's in office on January 20th a minute afternoon
國務院將與總統密切合作 will also be successful
我經歷過上次過渡 I went through a transition on the front
我一直在交接的另一面 and I've been on the other side of this
我非常有信心 I'm very confident
我們會做所有必要的事情 that we will do all the things that are necessary
以確保美國政府在這過程進行中 to make sure that the government the united states government
繼續履行國家安全職能 will continue to perform its national security function as we go forward
您認為存在廣泛的選民欺詐行為嗎? do you believe there's widespread voter fraud that the reports
我們從密西根州、賓州 so that we're getting from Pennsylvania from Michigan
獲得的報告顯示了投票 showing vote totals and massive leads or significant leads
99%的報告顯示 with 99 reporting are going to be overturned
美國未能進行無欺詐性的選舉? and that the united states failed to conduct a fraudulent free election
瑞奇,我是國務卿 Rich, I'm the secretary of state
我接到來自世界各地的電話 I'm getting calls from all across the world
(各國)人們都在關注我們的大選 these people are watching our election
他們了解我們有法律程序 they understand that we have a legal process
也知道這需要時間 they understand that this takes time
沒錯,在2000年的大選中 right, it took us 37 plus days
我們多花了37多天 in an election back in 2000
才順利成功交接 conducted a successful transition then
我非常有信心 I'm very confident that
我們必須要計算所有的合法投票 we will count and we must count every legal vote
並確保任何非法選票不會被計算在內 we must make sure that any vote that wasn't lawful or not be counted
如果處理不善 that dilutes your vote if it's done improperly
將會沖淡選民的選票 got to get that right
我們必須要做到正確 we'll get it right
作對之後就會有結果 we get it right
我們的情況很好 we're in good shape

========= 11/9 白宮新聞秘書 凱萊·麥肯奈妮 記者會 ==========
這次賓州是一個司法案例研究 Pennsylvania is a case study in justice
請允許我對此進行三點大致的回顧: allow me to just broadly review three points that have happened in PA
第1,在費城 Number one, in Philadelphia
依法在現場的監督計票員 poll watchers who are legally permitted to be there and observe the vote count
被阻止觀察計票 were blocked from observing the count
他們被安置在一個大房間內設置圍欄的後面 our poll watchers were put behind barricades in a massive room
離計票區有數英尺遠 they were many feet from the counting process
當他們想查看所有的計票時 and in fact when you look at all of the tables
實際上離他們最近的計票桌有數百英尺遠 many hundreds of feet in fact from the tables in the very back
他們完全看不清楚 they were completely in the dark
雖然有合法的監票權 completely unable to oversee the vote count
但無法監督計票 as was their legal right
現場的觀察員這樣描述 an observer on the scene described it this way
想像一下在足球場上 imagine being on a football field
你站在10碼線 you're on the 10-yard line
卻被要求在球場另一末端區域開球 and expected to make a call in the end zone on the other side of the field
這完全讓人無法接受 it is unacceptable
當地的中等法院 an intermediary court
判決支持共和黨公開、透明的計票 ruled on the side of the campaign on the side of transparency
允許監票員對計票監督 and allowing the poll watchers to observe the count
但民主黨賓州的最高法院做了什麼? but what did the democrat Pennsylvania supreme court do
他們提出行政暫緩令 they issued an administrative stay
有效阻止我們的監票員 effectively pushing back our poll watchers
並拒絕他們應有的進入現場監票的權限 and denying them the access they deserve to sit and watch the count
請大家想想 ask yourself this
賓州的民主黨人到底在隱藏什麼? what are Pennsylvania democrats hiding
為什麼不能簡單地讓監票員監督計票呢? why can't poll watchers simply observe the count?
第2,根據美國憲法第一章第4條明確規定 2nd, article 1 section 4 of the united states constitution clearly states this
參議院和眾議員 the time, place and manner
舉行選舉的時間、地點和方式 of holding elections for senators and representatives
應由各州的立法機關規定 shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof
就是這樣 that's right
憲法上州立法機關才有權作出決定的人 the state legislature is constitutionally the one making the decision
但是賓州聯邦最高法院凱西布克爾 but the supreme court of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania Kathy Boockvar
和具有民主黨傾向的賓州最高法院 and the democrat tilted Pennsylvania supreme court
卻不斷無視憲法 have continually disregarded the constitution
在賓州立法者的範圍內 making decisions clearly in the domain of the Pennsylvania legislator
做出了明顯(違憲)的決定 making decisions clearly in the domain of the Pennsylvania legislator
實際上 in fact
州務卿布克瓦之所以用完全違憲的方式 maybe there's a reason the secretary of state Boockvar
將其個人意志代替當地州立法機構 keeps substituting her will for that of the legislature
將其個人意志代替當地州立法機構 in a completely unconstitutional fashion
也許是別有用心 perhaps it's because she has motive
事實上 in fact
她已經表明她的黨派仇恨發了推文: she has shown her partisan hatreds tweeting this
在「川普」前面掛上「總統」 using the title "president" before the word "Trump"
真的是貶低了總統這個職位 really just demeans the office of the presidency
由此我們可以看到她的動機 we see where her motives stand
最後,對事實的簡單調查顯示 and finally a mere survey of the facts shows that
像費城這樣的藍色(民主黨)州的選民 voters in blue counties like Philadelphia county
被賦與一定的特權 were given certain privileges
是紅色(共和黨)州的選民所沒有的 that voters in red counties were not afforded
憲法的平等保護條款 the constitution's equal protection clause
要求統一的標準 requires uniform standards
但是民主黨選舉官員卻根據居民的住所 but democrat election officials created disparities depending
和在該州的投票地點,故意製造差異 on where citizens lived and where they voted in the state
一些縣設立了選舉快閃辦公室 some counties set up satellite offices
以便為早期投票開後門 for backdoor early voting
而其他縣沒有 whereas other counties did not
某些縣允許預先進行競選造勢 some counties allowed pre-canvassing
而其他縣不允許 where other counties did not
某些縣的選民可以補投票 voters in some counties were allowed to cure their ballots
而其他縣則不行 whereas voters in other counties were not
賓州的所作所為 what Pennsylvania has done
為我們提供一個案例研究 is provide a case study
來展示民主黨是如何歪曲選舉的天平 into how to tip the scales of an election
使其有利於民主黨 to functionally favor the democrat party
這樣的行為在全國各地發生 this has gone on nationwide
最後我再舉個例子 and I'll leave you with this
「民主黨全國委員會對威斯康星州立法機構」 in DNC versus Wisconsin state legislature
這是另一起企圖將逾期選票 in another attempt to count late ballots
納入計票的案例 that arrived after the election
大選法官奧塞奇寫到 Justice Horsage wrote
在我們開國文獻中 nothing in our founding document
並未考慮到會發生如此干預司法的行為 contemplates the kind of judicial intervention that took place here
這在法院230年判決中也沒有任何先例 nor is there precedent for it in 230 years of the court's decisions
nor is there precedent for it in 230 years of the court's decisions
他還說 he went on to say
沒有人會質疑在疫情期間 no one doubts that conducting a national election
進行全國大選會構成嚴峻挑戰 amid a pandemic poses serious challenges
但這不意味著個別法官 but none of that means individual judges
可以強調自己制定的選舉規則 may emphasize with their own election rules
來取代人民代表已經採用的選舉規則 in place of those the people's representatives have adopted
這些人利用疫情 they have taken a global pandemic
變成全美選舉的瘟疫 and turned it into a nationwide electoral epidemic
他們把所謂的天災 they have taken uh based on what they call a natural disaster
轉變成一場全國性的選舉舞弊災難 they have used that and turned this into a national disaster

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